Time-travelling bunnies [Lost – There’s No Place Like Home, Parts 2 and 3]

In last year’s Lost finale I didn’t twig till the very last minute that Jack was actually having his grizzly-bearded breakdown in the future, not the past, but everyone else in the world seemingly picked that from the get-go and I felt slow, eh.

This year it happened again: I did not see that final scene coming… but I don’t think anyone else did, either. Surely no one who wasn’t making wild silly guesses about the outcome could have picked the ultimate twist. Seriously: W. T. F?!

Locke is in the coffin? Locke?! Dead? Off the island? Calling himself “Jeremy Bentham“? In the coffin?! Dead?! Maybe it’s not as mind-blowing as 2007’s big reveal, but it’s definitely zapped at least a few thousand brain cells and raised some serious questions: what happened on the island which was so devastating that it compelled Locke to leave? How did he escape, or plan to return? And how did he really die?

(Check out the alternate endings depicting Sawyer and Desmond in the coffin if you’re after some cheap laffs.)

There was a lot about this episode that bugged me (I’ll get to that in a sec), but overall it was intense, heart-stopping stuff – can you believe they ever even considered cramming it all into one episode?

Two plot threads were particularly awesome and unexpected: first, Sun witnessing Jin’s apparent death (I say “apparent” because he is totally alive – it’s not like he hasn’t survived peril at sea before) and her subsequent evil alliance with Charles Widmore in the present day, which hints she’ll tread a dark path come season five. Second was Desmond’s reunion with Penny, one of the most heartfelt and well-earned moments of the finale. Seriously, if they have a cute moppet child by next season I will die of awws.

What bugs me, though, is that ultimately we’re still at the same place we were a year ago: a broken-down Jack desperately wants to return to the island. A lot of puzzle pieces have slotted into place since then, sure, but… I guess I’m a little disappointed there weren’t as many revelations as anticipated.

Other things to ponder: What did Sawyer whisper to Kate? Charlotte was born on the island? How exactly does Ben’s magical wheel work, and where has the island disappeared to (I’m predicting it’s gone somewhere cold, and that the absent Losties will eventually return to a very different place)? Did Daniel and the Losties on the Zodiac get teleported with the island too? Where did Lapidus end up? Why is ghost-Claire visiting Kate in the future to warn her against going back to the island? How did Walt get so goddamned big? And when will someone just give Michael Emerson and Yunjin Kim a bag of Emmys? 

Start your speculating, because new Lost is months off.

8 Responses to “Time-travelling bunnies [Lost – There’s No Place Like Home, Parts 2 and 3]”

  1. AWESOME EPISODE! I didn’t see that one coming either. So Locke isn’t so invincible after all…

    I wonder whether Jack et al leaving influenced the island in a creepy numbers/destiny/what-the-island-wants-the-island-gets kind of way, or whether it’s a result of the new environment (we’re guessing they’re in) and/or the leadership sruggles with no Ben and no Jack.

    And where the hell did Ben end up? Probably not with the island I’m guessing. And what did the wheel actually turn? And why did he have to do the metal thing first? I’m so confused.

    What’s Sun’s motivation with Widmore? Surely she’d still hold him responsible for Jin’s death(?). And yes: that was some damn fine acting.

    I’m optimistic about next season now. I think they’re ready to take the story to another amazing place. It’d better not be Jack trying to get everyone to go back to the island though. I’m sick of it being the same thing again and again with Jack – I know that’s his character but it’s starting to annoy me.

  2. I’m excited about next season too! For the second year in a row I have no idea what they’re going to do next season, which is a good thing.

    And Ben ends up 10 months in the future in the Tunisian desert: https://tvjunior.wordpress.com/2008/04/25/australias-the-key-to-the-whole-game-lost-the-shape-of-things-to-come/

    Sigh, it’s going to be a long eight months.

  3. Remember that comment Jack made in the episode a few weeks ago, that Kate shouldn’t be running errands for Sawyer in the future, because he “made his choice” to stay on the island? That seems even more harsh and bastard-like, now that we know that Sawyer made that choice to save everybody’s life..

    God i hate Jack.

  4. i bet Sawyer told Kate he has a daughter and Kate tracks her down back at home.

  5. Joel: WORD. Jack was a total asshole innumerable times in this episode, though he got PWN3D by Locke which sort of made up for it.

    rach: I forgot about Sawyer’s daughter! But yeah, totally – what other errands would need doing?

  6. We know where Ben went, don’t we? To the desert. From a few episodes ago. He was wearing that same jacket (meaning the writers intentionally tricked us about when Ben’s time travel actually took place).

  7. Those dastardly meanies!

  8. […] resurrection of John Locke [Lost] Lost’s Locke was last seen lying in a coffin doing a pretty convincing impersonation of a dead man, but he might do a Jesus Christ and rise from […]

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